Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Healing the Land process in homes

In the months preceding the transformation process in North Omaha, we wondered if families would really allow us into their homes and confess their sins to the Lord and then to each other. Will people actually repent – of real sin?

Yes! They did! Over 70 households representing entire families and sometimes extended families went through the healing the land process in N. Omaha during the week. The Lord’s presence would come into the room, and families would repent to the Lord for their sin, the sins of their forefathers, and break any continuing sin from being passed down to their children.

The Fijian Healing the Land Team anointed the N. Omaha leaders to go into homes and lead families through transformation process.

Pastors prepared the oil, salt, and water mixture. The mixture was sprinkled throughout the homes at the end of the repentance process to cleanse, sanctify, and dedicate the home and family back to the Lord.

Video of pastors and leaders preparing for the family visits

Video of pastors and leaders leaving with family members to go to family visits

The team prayed for a young man in a family at the conclusion of the process and the Holy Spirit fell on the family! The young girl fell into a restful sleep when the peace of the Lord invaded the home!

A family at the conclusion of the process re-covenanted themselves back to the Lord and to one another.

Young people repented for rebellion, and prodigals came home to the Lord! Husbands repented to their wives for adultery and recieved freedom from years of shame and guilt! Mothers repented to their children for lack of love and anger! Parents wept together before the Lord confessing their sins and the impact on their children. Siblings repented to each other for jealousy and fighting! Addictions were broken! People were healed emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically!

Families were restored and great joy came! The joy of the Lord and His glory were on the faces of the families that had been healed during the week. Life and hope are returning to N. Omaha!